jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013

Yo he venido aquí a hablar de mi libro.

Esta imagen representa para mí, en cierta forma, el fin de una etapa. Cuando por fin ves físicamente el producto de tantas horas de trabajo, del esfuerzo de terceras personas y del tuyo... Es algo que realmente no tiene precio.
Bueno, sí, el de la imprenta, pero no es de eso de lo que estoy hablando.
Cada vez que editas algo tiene un algo especial, no ha sido mi primera experiencia... pero sí es la primera vez que lo hago casi en solitario, en un 90% por lo menos. De esto habría que contar el palizón que se ha pegado el señor Álvaro "Ming" Sarraseca con la maquetación, y los prólogos de amigos, como son Aitor Eraña y Roberto Ortega.
Pero en el fondo, aunque te hayan ayudado a parirlo, lo cierto es que lo sientes como algo muy propio, muy tuyo. Estoy encantado con la edición, ha quedado estupenda, y la verdad es que tenerlo por fin en las manos es una sensación bastante agradable, un poco el "por fin, lo he hecho".
¿Qué vais a encontrar dentro? Pues las primeras tiras del personaje, una pequeña historia inédita en otras 10 tiras, y unos cuantos fanarts.
En total, 164 paginacas bien rellenas de cosas, tiras cómicas en blanco y negro, remasterizadas para la ocasión.
Qué a gusto me he quedado del parto.
Éste fin de semana podréis encontrarlo en el Expocómic de Madrid, en la zona de fanzines, el el stand de El Posabirras del Mal, una colección de relatos de terror en la que también colaboro, con una historia bastante más seria.
Y la semana que viene hablaremos de la venta por correo.

¡Nos vemos! ;)

miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2013

Dandy Orc

"Don't thy know WHO I am? That's something which will reach the Mayor, rest assured of that, my good sir!"
And with these words and anf keeping stiff upper lip, Sir Grummark P. Honcilurk left the room, holding his cane in a most dignified way." 

I made this drawing not knowing if he would be a character for Obliterast, but the looks and the feel would fit perfectly. Anyway, it's just a drawing I wanted to make. A well-dressed orc.

Pencil, watercolor.

"¿No sabéis QUIÉN soy? ¡Esto es algo que llegará al Alcalde, esté seguro de eso, mi buen señor!"
Y con estas palabras y manteniéndose sereno y seguro, Sir Grummark P. Honcilurk dejó la sala, sujetando su bastón de una manera muy digna."

Hice este dibujo sin saber si sería un personaje para Obliterast, pero su apariencia y la sensación que da encajarían perfectamente. De cualquier forma, es sólo un dibujo que quería hacer. Un orco bien vestido.

Lápiz, acuarelas.

miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2013

Frontem habemus!

¡Tenemos portada para el tomo del Friki con barbas que sacaremos en diciembre de este año, para el Expocómic de Madrid!

We do have the cover for the trade paperback of my webcomic Historias de un friki con barbas (Stories of a bearded nerd) (Only  in Spanish, sorry). We will have it available in December, in Madrid Expocomic!

lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2013

Drink and Draw November 2013 and some news

Once again we met some artist pals in the Drink and Draw Madrid hosted by Lebrílope Papelería. The theme this time was "Monkeys and Theatre".
As you can see, this is a gorilla doing the aria of Pagliacci, by Ruggero Leoncalvallo, Recitar. 

And now, something completely different. I will be in Expocomic 2013 in Madrid, sharing a stand with some friends: Ioannes Ensis, Aitor I. Eraña, Álvaro "Ming" Sarraseca and Jorge "Lewis" Espigares. We will be all in the "Evil Beer Coaster" (El Posabirras del Mal) stand, in the fanzines area. Besides the Evil Beer Coaster issues, we will have also our own material there, I will bring with me the books (at last!) of Historias de un friki con barbas.

See you ;)

De nuevo me reuní con algunos colegas dibujeros en el Drink and Draw madrid organizado por Lebrílope Papelería. Esta vez el tema era "Monos y teatro".
Como podéis ver, este es un gorila haciendo el aria de Pagliacci, de Ruggero Leoncalvallo, Recitar.

Y ahora, algo completamente distinto. Estaré en el Expocomic 2013 de Madrid, compartiendo stand con algunos amigos: Ioannes Ensis, Aitor I. Eraña, Álvaro "Ming" Sarraseca y Jorge "Lewis" Espigares. Estaremos todos en el stand de "El Posabirras del mal", en la zona de fanzines. Además de los ejemplares del Posabirras, tendremos ahí nuestro propio material, yo traeré conmigo los libros (¡por fin!) de Historias de un friki con barbas.

¡Nos vemos!

lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2013

Obliterast, tomorrow

So, we're almost there, tomorrow I will release the beast and hope to see it grow bigger. Obliterast is an idea that have been with me a few years, and I finally see it going to its proper place: the web.
I cannot help to be a litle nervous, always when you expose your work to the public you leave a part of you unprotected and uncovered, and not everybody will love it, some people will hate it outright.
But it's alright. I never thought that everything I'm doing it's going to appeal to everyone, that's a road that, as an artist, leads to self-destruction. But I believe that it's a story that will like some people, the first of them myself.
For me, it's also something that I have to get out from my guts to show to the world. And I am proud of it. I know also that the style and the appearance of the comic will get better as time goes on, and that's good. I have time and the will to improve, to learn, to make a better story each day. To sharpen my skills as a writer, artist and storyteller.
Time will tell if I make it.
But in the meantime, I hope you enjoy the trip!

You will find Obliterast in English in the following sites:

Obliterast blog - Here in blogspot, the main site, and where I will post more things, articles, illustrations, etc.
Tumblr - Mostly the comic
Smackjeeves - Mostly the comic

And our fanpage in Facebook.

Así que ya casi estamos ahí, mañana liberaré a la bestia y esperaré que se haga más grande. Obliterast es una idea que ha estado conmigo unos cuantos años, y que finalmente la veo ir al lugar que le corresponde: la red.
No puedo evitar estar algo nervioso, siempre que expones tu trabajo al público dejas una parte de ti desprotegida y descubierta, y no le va a encantar a todo el mundo, algunos van a odiarla directamente.
Pero está bien. Jamás creí que todo lo que hago vaya a atraer a todo el mundo, esa es una senda que, como artista, conduce a la autodestrucción. Pero creo que es una historia que le gustará a alguna gente, el primero yo.
Para mí, también es algo que tengo que sacarme de las entrañas y enseñárselo al mundo. Y estoy orgulloso de ello. Se también que el estilo y la apariencia del cómic mejorará con el tiempo, y eso es bueno. Tengo el tiempo y la voluntad para perfeccionarlo, para aprender, para hacer una historia mejor cada día. Para agudizar mis habilidades como escritor, artista y narrador.
El tiempo dirá si lo consigo.
Pero mientras tanto, ¡espero que disfrutéis del viaje!

Encontraréis Obliterast en castellano en las siguientes páginas:

El blog de Obliterast - Aquí en blogspot, el sitio principal, y en donde publicaré más cosas, artículos, ilustraciones, etc.
Subcultura - El comic principalmente.

Y en nuestra página de fans en Facebook.

viernes, 1 de noviembre de 2013


The thing in the dark cave whispered to the monarch of the land.
-So you think that you could bear my presence, my king?
-I have no doubt about it.
-Then step closer to me, and behold the death on wings...

This one is a pencil sketch on my sketchbook and inked with SAI, due to the recomendations of Aitor I. Eraña and Ioannes Ensis, great artists, bigger beermates and above all, two beautiful human beings.

La cosa en la cueva oscura susurró al monarca del país.
-¿Así que creéis que podéis soportar mi presencia, mi rey?
-No tengo dudas sobre ello.
-Entonces acercaos a mí, y contemplad la muerte alada...

Éste es un boceto a lápiz en mi cuaderno y entintado con SAI, gracias a las recomendaciones de Aitor I. Eraña e Ioannes Ensis, grandes artistas, mejores compañeros de cervezas y sobre todo, dos hermosos seres humanos.

jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013

Between the cracks (VI)

Para la versión en español pincha AQUÍ 

For the first installment click HERE

For the previous installment click HERE


                In the beginning he was glad to have taken into account what the doctor told him. The journey through the Pacific was something that he should allowed himself to do it a lot time ago. His wife and the kids were delighted. The traveled from California, going across the Pacific till Japan and making a stopover in Hawaii. Nevertheless there were moments in the still of the night, late, in which Pedro was unable to sleep. He got up and went out alone to deck, moments in which he unevitably stood staring the horizon to the southwest. He had a feeling that it was a fixed point in the middle of the empty ocean, since each night he seemed to note how the ship advanced regarding it. After a while in which he fought against the impulse to swim towards it with all his might, he came back to bed, dreaming restless with an enormousness which laid below the waters in a ciclopean sunken city with strange angles and curves that were convex and concave at the same time.

                One night he was on deck staring to the ocean beyond the Equator. The revellers should have retired already to sink into their alcoholic torpor, or maybe to devote themselves to enjoy their night companies, the fact is that there was nobody where he stood. Lost in his thoughts a cough by his side startled him. Shaking his head, leaving his self-absorption, Pedro looked to his right, from where the noise came, and he saw a strange man. He was covered with a black jacket and a black tie over a dark grey shirt and he wore Japanese cut trousers that cloaked his feet, that couldn't be seen. But, bizarre as his clothing was, stranger was to see his skin.
                He had totaly caucasic features, however, his skin was black as coal, like the one of the darkest africans, maybe more. And he was bald, not even a hair could be seen in his round head. He was so dark that starlight mirrored in his skin, creating a malignant and sickly resplendence. When the man spoke it was as if he were scratching glass, at the same time his voice remained deep and perfectly modulated.

                -You can't sleep, can you? These journeys by ship always make me feel dizzy. If it were possible I'd rather travel underwater...

                Pedro was surprised by the strange voice of the bizarre and sinister man that was by his right, and he couldn't prevent a little shiver to run across his back despite the warmth of the night.

                -But where are my manners? I'm Schwartz, Cornelius Schwartz- the stranger extended a hand. 

                -Pedro Mejías- he greeted back, amazed. Indeed, the man sounded nothing like a German with an enough neutrum accent-. Are you too here on holidays, Mr. Schwartz?

                -Of course. Call me Cornelius.

                Cornelius and Pedro stayed talking almost till sunrise. Their conversation treated science, archeology, astronomy... all of them topics that Pedro was interested in and which the visitor seemed to know a big deal about them. He asked about his cabin to be able to chat on, but the now-not-so-stranger prefered to leave to chance to meet again.

                -She usually is wise for this kind of things. Take care, Pedro.

                Later, two more things drawed Pedro's attention. Nobody, even ship personnel, were on deck on the whole evening with Schwartz, it was as if they were completely alone. And other thing disturbed him more, although he didn't know say why at first, but above all was the fatherly way in which he seemed to be treated by Schwartz, and nevertheless, at the time he thought it was the most natural thing in the world.

                The cruise went on and Pedro kept feeling how he moved regarding his point of attention. He still woke up at night, and in many of them he met again with Schwartz, who fascinated him more and more each passing time with his learned teachings. The man was indeed a endless wealth of new discoveries and that's why he hadn't any doubt about him when, little by little, started to introduce also esoteric matters in their conversations, talking about how magic and mathematics weren't but different aspects of the same thing, which was the manipulation of the space with pure mindforce, but we weren't ready yet to develop it by a mathematical way. He talked about strange geometries, dimensions out of ours, new universes and everything that still hid in this. About legends that were told about races able to ride the infinite vacuum between the galaxies and fly through the skies propelled by the solar winds of millions of dead stars. He started talking about beings elder than man and the universe itself, and how those beings that were now in decline will rise again. And he talked about all of this over the course of many nights. The began to include Crowley and other great occultists in the conversation, and to talk about how fragiles are actually the walls of what we call reality and how easy would be to tear them down to pieces if we had the right stone.

                As his nights with fatherly Cornelius sank him into a frenzy of new revelations and misteries about the cosmos which surrounds us, Pedro was neglecting himself day to day, almost forgetting about the presence of his wife and children, and sometimes even considering them a nuisance for his night jaunts. He knew that his wife suspected that he was cheating on her and he laughed seeing how far was she from the true root of what was happening.

                One of the last nights of the cruise Cornelius asserted him that that would be the last time he would see him on board that ship, but that they would met again later. He said that when the moment were right they would go together to the place that were calling him so much and they would leave behind every problem from the routine and common world in which he was immersed. They hugged each other goodbye and that left Pedro with the feeling of being touching embers.

                The arrival to Japan happened with no more occurrences, and that the last nights have been quiet on his part helped Pedro's wife to discard her suspicions, at least for the moment. Once arrived to the docks of Osaka a bus took them to the hotel, and the next morning a train took them to Kansai airport, from where they departed back to Spain.

                During the long journey Cornelius' peculiar countenance came back to him on his dreams. This time he wore a long black tunic that covered till his feet, and he was waiting for him in a chamber of wet brick walls. Saying nothing in spite of wearing a slight smile on his black face, he pointed to a dim lit corridor with braziers along the whole path. Pedro followed him without hesitation.

                As they came forward Pedro could hear chants and, although he didn't identify nor the words nor the languaje, he understood it perfectly. They spoke how the Elder One would rise on his stone throne when the stars were right and that nothing could resist his power. Only the key was needed. The key that only one of the Crwaling Chaos' blood could obtain.

                Cornelius took him to a larger chamber, so, that it could have included a little city inside. Ceilling lost itself into the darkness, the same as the bottom. On that moment Pedro found quite plausible to consider that such things didn't exist there. Near the middle of the room (or what seemed to be to Pedro, since he didn't see the ending of the room) there was a gathering of figures on a stone platform, which trunk lost itself into the murk below. Unhealthy green fire torches lit them. In the lounge there were more stone pillars, huge, that sank into blackness too. Everything seemed to join together with a web of wooden gangways linked with ropes with a most unsecure outlook, like the one that surrounded the room, which was the one on which Cornelius and Pedro were watching the setting. The chants that were heard all the way came from the hooded ones group...

                Cornelius started to head in their direction and Pedro followed. Over the wooden gangplanks and feeble outlook ropes they moved, while those totter dangerously and non-stop. With secure and agile step they reached the group, a host of misshappen beings, most of them humanoids, but with features and traits that marked them as something completely different. There was even a shapeless and mutant hulk from which constantly emerged and disappeared eyes and mouths, and several kinds of extremities, everchanging and different.
                Every one of them, without exception, bent down at Cornelius' and Pedro's arrival. He ordered him to step into the centre.

                -Now, my son, watch which is the key that will open the Great Cthulhu's grave, who lies dead and sleeping in his city of R'Lyeh, who you will bring out from his slumber.

                Before Pedro materialized a black stone with golden arabesques all over its surface, elongated and of dreadful looks. Pedro shivered at its sight. It ended in a cruel and rulthless-looking point.

                -For it to be effective must be bathed on the blood of one of my offspring, straight from his heart, over the old R'Lyeh, sunk at the South of the Pacific...

                And Pedro woke up screaming.

It will continue... soon

domingo, 27 de octubre de 2013

The Elder Scrolls (I): An Introduction.

"A prisoner born on a certain day to uncertain parents". So it began. This is a love story. It's about how I fell in love with the Elder Scrolls Saga, a videogame series which built a world inside my head, and made it evolve through the centuries.
Knight of the Nine

This is told from a personal point of view, so I hope you wouldn't mind if I don't speak of the two first installments, Arena and Daggerfall, which I have never played.

The Elder Scrolls Saga always put you in the skin of a prisoner who discovers that he (or she) is more than what meets the eye, that some special destiny is upon him, and this idea, of mixing destiny and free will, it's what has built its greatness to me. Because you find before you a great open world, full of opportunities, ripe for the taking... and some path that it's written for you, but you decide how the story unfolds.

Also, having the several games taking place in different countries and centuries each one makes the world feel like something alive, that grows outside the boundaries of your perception of the world of Tamriel, where your legend is told.

Your power to decide what will you do, where you will go, who will you confront... possibilities are seemingly endless. You can deviate from the main quest, even forget it almost as you walk or ride or fly through Tamriel.

In this series of articles I will tell you my personal experience with this videogames, and what have I adapted from them for tabletop roleplaying games.

A shop in Morrowind
May be your sword sharp, your shield strong, your spells powerful, and the Divines with you.

"Un prisionero nacido cierto día de padres inciertos". Así comienza. Esta es una historia de amor. Es sobre cómo me enamoré de la saga de los Elder Scrolls (Los Pergaminos Antiguos), una serie de videojuegos que construyó un mundo dentro de mi cabeza y lo hizo evolucionar a través de los siglos.

Esto se cuenta desde un punto de vista personal, así que espero que no os importe si no hablo de las dos primeras entregas, Arena y Daggerfall, a los que jamás jugué.

La Saga de los Elder Scrolls siempre te mete en la piel de un prisionero que descubre que él (o ella) es más de lo que se ve a simple vista, que algún destino especial está preparado para él, y esta idea, la de mezclar destino y libre albedrío, es la que ha construido su grandeza para mí. Porque te encuentras ante ti un vasto mundo abierto, lleno de oportunidades, listo para la cosecha... y un camino que está escrito para ti, pero tú decides como se desarrolla la historia.

También el que los diferentes juegos estén ambientados cada uno en diferentes países y siglos hace que sientas el mundo como algo vivo, que crece fuera de los límites de tu percepción del mundo de Tamriel, donde se cuenta tu leyenda.

Tu poder para elegir qué harás, a dónde irás, a quién te enfrentarás... las posibilidades parecen interminables. Puedes desviarte de la búsqueda principal, incluso olvidarla casi mientras caminas o cabalgas o vuelas a través de Tamriel.

En esta serie de artículos os hablaré de mis experiencias personales con estos videojuegos, y qué he adaptado de ellos a los juegos de rol de mesa.

Permanezca tu espada afilada, tu escudo fuerte, tus hechizos poderosos, y los Divinos contigo.

jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013

Apres la nuit

"She lit up the last cigarrete, tasting the blood on her lips, relishing the mix of fluids and smoke that fill up her throath. Her mind was elsewhere, she should leave before the dawn...

She would remember both of them, the woman and the man. They had been a nice couple of lovers, tended her in the middle of another cold, cold night. And now they lay, as if they were something totaly out of this world, peaceful outsiders waiting better times to awake.

She wipped off the blood from her face and took her clothes, ready to lose herself again into the night, before the uncaring morning light had time to come back to her world."

Another illustration, A5. The original artwork is on sale, like others in this blog.

Ink, anhiline, watercolour.

"Encendió el último cigarrillo, probando la sangre de sus labios, saboreando la mezcla de fluidos y humo que llenaban su garganta. Su mente estaba en otra parte, debería irse antes del alba...

Les recordaría a ambos, a la mujer y al hombre. Habían sido unos amantes agradables, cuidándola en medio otra noche fría. Y ahora yacían, como si fueran algo completamente ajeno a este mundo, pacíficos extraños esperando tiempos mejores para despertar.

Se quitó la sangre de la cara y cogió su ropa, lista para perderse de nuevo en la noche, antes de que la indiferente luz de la mañana tuviese tiempo de volver a su mundo."

Otra ilustración, A5. El original está en venta, como otros en este blog.

Tinta, anilinas, acuarelas.

lunes, 21 de octubre de 2013

Historias de un friki con barbas: ¡Muñecos! ¡Habemus Merchandising!

This are some dolls made for my webcomic "Historias de un friki con barbas", a comic-strips series I make in Spanish. But if you like the dolls, they will be available soon.


Pues al fin tenemos en nuestro poder la primera remesa de muñecos de trapo de "Historias de un friki con barbas", hechos a mano y basados en algunos de los personajes del cómic.

El set completo

 ¿A que son una monada? :D

Los tendréis disponibles pronto :)

martes, 15 de octubre de 2013

Exercising your creative muscles: Copying from the masters... at the computer.

As I work in Obliterast (due to be released onto the web in November, remenber!), I need a break from time to time. This time, i wanted to exercise myself with something slightly different, so to save time, I tried to work in two areas at the same time: anatomy and drawing with the computer. I copied some hands from the book Constructive Anatomy by George Bridgman, a classic (1920), but still a very good one. This time I decided to do it digitally, working directly on the computer, and I'm pleased with the overall results.

Paint Tool SAI

Mientras trabajo en Obliterast (que saldrá en la red para noviembre, ¡acordaos!), y preparo la inminente edición en papel de Historias de un friki con barbas necesito tomarme un descanso de vez en cuando. Esta vez quería ejercitarme con algo un poco diferente, así que para ahorrar tiempo, intenté trabajar en dos áreas a la vez: anatomía y dibujar con el ordenador. Copié varias manos del libro Anatomía Constructiva de George Bridgman, un clásico (1929), pero aún vigente, y de los buenos. Esta vez decidí hacerlo digitalmente, trabajando directamente en el ordenador, y estoy satisfecho con los resultados del conjunto.

Paint Tool SAI

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013


We have a new comic in the works: OBLITERAST, an steampunk adventure story. The comic will begin in November, but several news and surprises will be coming in the comic's page: http://obliterast.blogspot.com.es/

Andamos preparando un nuevo cómic: OBLITERAST, una historia de aventuras steampunk. El cómic comenzará en Noviembre, pero varias noticias y sorpresas irán apareciendo en la página del cómic: http://obliterast.blogspot.com.es/

martes, 1 de octubre de 2013

Justice League... or else

I wanted to do another tribute to the DC characters, but more cartoonish this time, so I made this in the Comic Con in Leganés this weekend. Good people, fun and good beer.

I wanted to exaggerate the personality of the characters, and somehow turn them into the cast of some comedy show.

Ink, markers, watercolor, watercolor pencils.

Quería hacer otro tributo a los personajes de DC, pero más caricaturesco esta vez, así que hice este en las Jornadas de Cómic de Leganés este fin de semana. Buena gente, diversión y buena cerveza.

Quería exagerar la personalidad de cada personaje, y de alguna manera convertirles en el reparto de una comedia televisiva.

Tinta, rotuladores permanentes, acuarela, lápices acuarelables.

lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2013

Fanart interchange: Henar Torinos

 This weekend, in the Jornadas de Cómic y Manga de Leganés (Leganés comic con), I met again with the wonderful and awesome Henar Torinos, a marvelous artist and a very charmful woman.

I'm a big fan of her work, so it was a real pleasure to have this fanart exchange made, she made this beautiful drawing of my character on the Leganés comic con, and I made this other of Mala Estrella (Bad Star) at home a little time ago.

I hope you like both of them :D


Este fin de semana, en las Jornadas de Cómic y Manga de Leganés, estuve de nuevo con la maravillosa y estupenda Henar Torinos, una artista genial y una mujer encantadora.

Soy un gran fan de su trabajo, así que fue un auténtico placer que hiciéramos este intercambio de fanarts, ella hizo este hermoso dibujo de mi personaje en las jornadas, y yo hice este otro de Mala Estrella en casa hace poco.

Espero que os gusten los dos :D

lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2013

Drink and Draw Madrid September 2013

As usual, we met last Friday in the Drink and Draw Madrid hosted by Lebrílope Paelería, this time it was horror, fear and terror-themed. I decided to do a Grim Reaper.

Have a great week!

Ink (pentel), watercolor, color pencils.

Como es habitual, nos reunimos el viernes pasado para el Drink and Draw Madrid organizado por los chicos de Lebrílope Papelería, esta vez iba sobre horror, miedo y terror. Decidí hacer una parca.

¡Tened una gran semana! ;)

Tinta (pentel), acuarela, lápices de color.

lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2013

Evil Beer Coaster: Color phase


I started with the "colors" (by the way, a whole-five-grey-hue-palette) of my episode of the Evil Beer Coaster, a series of terror stories, that will be also published in English.

Stay tuned.


He comenzado con los "colores" (es decir, una paleta de cinco tonos de gris) de mi episodio de El Posabirras del Mal, una colección de historias de terror.

Permanezcan a la escucha.

miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2013

Homo Apparatus

What does "Human Being" actually mean? Where's the frontier between man and machine, when mechanical parts can be used to enhance or mend a broken body? If our mind, our conscience and our memories are recorded like software files and implanted in a machine, which then will have feelings, emotions and fears... Does it all make it human?

Or are we just biological devices?

Mechanical pencil (2.0), watercolor.

¿Qué sigfnifica realmente "Ser Humano"? ¿Dónde está la frontera entre hombre y máquina, cuando pueden usarse partes mecánicas para mejorar o arreglar un cuerpo roto? Si nuestra mente, nuestra consciencia y nuestros recuerdos son grabados como ficheros de software y se implantan en una máquina, que entonces tendrá sentimientos, emociones y miedos... ¿Le hace eso humano?

¿O sólo somos aparatos biológicos?

Portaminas (2.0), acuarela.

domingo, 8 de septiembre de 2013


Just a quick watercolor sketch I made this afternoon. A Necromancer, wondering about the meaning of death, life and un-death.

Typical Sunday afternoon feelings, you know.

Un bocetillo rápido con acuarela que hice esta tarde. Un necromante, preguntándose sobre el sentido de la muerte, la vida y la no-muerte.

Los típicos sentimientos de domingo por la tarde, vamos.

lunes, 2 de septiembre de 2013

Thor and Loki

Brothers, enemies, gods of thunder and mischief... Thor and Loki, raised togheter, doomed to be rivals for eternity, until the Ragnarok arrives and the battle ends with everything.

Thor is largely influenced in his outlook by The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, since I have been playing again the game lately, and Loki is somehow derived from Loge, the Fire Spirit.

I wanted to depic them as friends yet, going together to fight and hunt, before they become rivals. I prefer things that way.

You can watch the WIP HERE (pencils and inks) and HERE (color).

Ink, watercolors, color inks, acrylics, anilines.

Hermanos, enemigos, dioses del trueno y de las travesuras... Thor y Loki, criados juntos, destinados a ser rivales por toda la eternidad, hasta que el Ragnarok llegue y la batalla acabe con todo.

Thor tiene bastantes influencias en su apariencia de The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, ya que he estado jugando al juego últimamente, y Loki está derivado de alguna manera de Loge, el Espíritu del Fuego.

Quise retratarlos como amigos aún, que se van juntos de caza y a luchar, antes de convertirse en rivales. Me gustan más las cosas de esa forma.

Podéis ver el proceso de trabajo AQUÍ (lápices y tintas) y AQUÍ (color).

Tinta, acuarelas, tintas de color, acrílicos, anilinas.

domingo, 1 de septiembre de 2013

Thor and Loki: a WIP (II)

Second and final part of the WIP started HERE.

The first step is to erase the pencil and strenghten the black of some lines. After that, it's coloring time, beginning with the background, and then defining the characters. At the end I though it would look cool that Thor had war paint all over his face, so I apply it to him, with a touch of acrylic and anilines.

Watercolor, color inks, anilines, acrylics.

Segunda parte y final del WIP que empezamos AQUÍ.

El primer paso es borrar el lápiz y fortalecer el negro de algunas líneas. Tras eso, es hora de colorear, empezando por el fondo, y luego definiendo los personajes. Al final pensé que molaría que Thor tuviese pintura de guerra en la cara, así que se la puse, con un toque de acrílico y anilinas.

Acuarela, tintas de color, anilinas, acrílicos.

Thor and Loki: a WIP (I)

I decided to do a little illustration about the Norse Gods Thor and Loki, and when it is finished, it will be in colour, but right now I'll show you what's currently done: pencils and inks.

The character desing it's loosely based on the watercolor sketch I uploaded the other day (HERE), and I tried to stay true to the face and body of the two siblings, and the hammer, Mjöllnir, but adding clothes and armor this time.

I wanted to do a composition that occupied the whole page, but at the same time let some space and allowed the image to breath, so I stuck with this one, making the spear balance the whole.

I began sketching with a pencil, blackening lines and adding more detail with mechanical pencils, and then worked the inks, first brushes, from the thickest one to the thinnest, and adding more detail with the
brush pens and drawing pens. My usual inking method is going inwards, from the outmost lines, the fattest ones, to the inside, diminishing thickness. It works for me...

And after all of this, let the ink dry by itself. In other session we will erase the pencils and give color to the illustration.

Pencil (2/HB), mechanical pencils (2.0/2B, 0.7/2B, 0.5/B), ink (brushes 12, 7, 4, 2), brush pens, drawing pens (0.2, 0.1, 0.05).

Decidí hacer una ilustracioncilla de los dioses nórdicos Thor y Loki, que cuando esté acabada, será a color, pero ahora os enseñaré lo que está hecho actualmente:
Lápices y tintas.

El diseño de personajes está basado someramente en el boceto a acuarela que subí el otro día (AQUÍ), e intenté permanecer fiel a la cara y el cuerpo de los dos hermanos, y el martillo, Mjöllnir, pero añadiendo ropas y armadura esta vez.
Quise hacer una composición que ocupase la página entera, pero que al mismo tiempo permitiese respirar a la imagen, así que me aferré a éste, con la lanza equilibrando el conjunto.

Así que empecé abocetando con lápiz, ennegreciendo líneas y añadiendo detalles con los portaminas, y entonces me puse a trabajar con las tintas, primero
pinceles, del más grueso al más fino, y añadiendo más detalle con rotuladores-pincel y rotuladores calibrados. Mi método habitual de entintado es ir hacia adentro, desde las líneas exteriores, las más gruesas, hacia el interior, disminuyendo el grosor. A mí me funciona...

Y después de todo esto, hay que dejar que la tinta se seque. En otra sesión borraremos los lápices y daremos color a la ilustración.

Lápiz (2/HB), portaminas (2.0/2B, 0.7/2B, 0.5/B), tinta (pinceles 12, 7, 4, 2), rotuladores pincel, rotuladores calibrados (0.2, 0.1, 0.05).

jueves, 29 de agosto de 2013

Wicked Girl

Just a quickie with watercolor. I think she's evil in some way. She's up to nothing good, that's for sure.

Mechanical pencil (2.0), watercolor.

Uno rápido con acuarelas. Creo que es malvada, de alguna forma. No está planeando nada bueno, eso seguro.

Portaminas (2.0), acuarela.

lunes, 26 de agosto de 2013

Testing materials: Watercolors

A few days ago I decided to get a box of watercolors (something a lot better than the typical school watercolors), and I wanted to test them on one of my sketchbooks (that's a theme for another discussion, my obsession with notebooks and so, but I'll save it for you for another chance). I have to apologyze for the bad quality of the photos. Also, the sketchbook paper quality wasn't the best for watercolor, but... I wanted to try, anyway.
The first attemps to be Thor and Loki, and the second a female warrior. Neither of them are complicated works, just color sketches to play around a bit.

Mechanical pencil (2.00), watercolors.

Hace unos días decidí comprarme una caja de acuarelas (algo bastante mejor que la típica caja de acuarelas escolares), y quería probarlas en uno de mis cuadernos de bocetos (lo que es un tema para otra discusión, mi obsesión con los cuadernos y demás, pero os lo ahorraré hasta otra ocasión). Espero que me disculpéis por la mala calidad de las fotografías. Además, la calidad del papel del cuaderno no era la mejor para acuarela, pero... quería intentarlo, de todas formas.
El primero trata de ser Thor y Loki, y el segundo una guerrera. Ninguno de ellos son obras muy complejas, simples bocetos a color par ajugar un poco con ello.

Portaminas (2.00), acuarelas.

jueves, 22 de agosto de 2013

The Evil Beer Coaster - A preview

This is one of the projects that have me busy this summer, a eight-page horror story with a little Lovecraftian feel, for the Evil Beer Coaster

I'll tell you more soon!


Éste es uno de los proyectos que me mantienen ocupado este verano, una historia de ocho páginas con un toque lovecraftiano, para el Posabirras del Mal.

¡Ya os contaré más en breves!


sábado, 10 de agosto de 2013

The Green Goblin

Here comes the Green Goblin, or at least a sketch I did of him last night, in a too-big-for-my-scanner sketchbook I have (hence the divisory line).

Mechanical pencils (2.0, 0.7, 0.5, with B and 2B mines) and HB pencil.

Aquí llega el Duende Verde, o al menos un bocetillo que hice de él anoche, en una libreta demasiado grande para mi scanner (de hay la línea divisoria).

Portaminas (2.0, 0.7 y 0.5, con minas B y 2B) y lápiz HB.

martes, 6 de agosto de 2013

Preview: Obliterast

Here you have a little preview of one of the Obliterast's stories that I'm preparing. It's not a finished work, just linework and flats, a taste of what it's coming this fall.

Sólo es un avance de una de las historias de  Obliterast que estoy preparando, no es un trabajo acabado, sólo línea y colores planos, una muestra de lo que aparecerá este otoño.

lunes, 5 de agosto de 2013

Autumn is coming, my children of summer

Hi, people!

I'm now working over several projects that will be released this fall. One of them is the first trade paperback of my webcomic series "Historias de un friki con barbas" ("A bearded geek's stories") (Sorry! Only in Spanish!), that I'm planning to selfpublish in september. This is a very personal project, and I'm very eager to see it printed in paper.

Other of the projects is an episode for "El Posabirras del Mal" ("The Coaster of Evil"), an initiative that joins several comic authors to tell terror and horror stories, that will also be published here in Spain in September, I finished its pencils just yesterday. I don't know right now if there are plans to publish it in English, at least in internet, but I'll tell as soon as I know.

And other one is "Obliterast", an steampunk/intrigue/action/terror/adventure series that had two chapters published in a fanzine here in Spain. I had been working on new material for the series, and will be released this fall as a webcomic, with new adventures, characters and misteries. I hope it will be to your liking.

Keep tuned ;)

¡Hola, gente!

Estoy trabajando ahora en varios proyectos que verán la luz a partir de septiembre. Uno de ellos es el primer recopilatorio de mi webcómic "Historias de un friki con barbas", que planeo autopublicar en septiembre. Es un proyecto muy personal, y estoy con muchas ganas de verlo en papel.

Otro de los proyectos es un episodio de "El Posabirras del Mal", una iniciativa que une a varios autores de cómic para contar historias de terror, que también será publicado en septiembre en España.

Y otro es "Obliterast", una serie de steampunk/intriga/acción/terror/aventura que tuvo dos capítulos publicados en un fanzine. He estado trabajando en nuevo material para ella, y este otoño lo publicaré como un webcómic, con nuevas aventuras, personajes y misterios. Espero que sea de vuestro agrado.

Manténganse en sintonía ;)

lunes, 29 de julio de 2013

Exercising your creative muscles: Merfolk in couples

Today we have another of those creativity exercises for illustrators. We surely are lone wolves, used to solitude and all that jazz... but for this one, you'll need a friend.

The basic idea is to get a theme of choice and then each of you draw a character or something theme related, that your peer can't see until finished.

Once both drawings are finished, you give
them to each other, and then try to make a version of the character of your own.

It could be a challenge if you are not used to draw some kind of things (stepping outside the comfort zone it's always a good idea).

Well, that's what my colleague Verónica Vázquez and me were doing the other day. We choose merfolk as a theme, and here you have the results, first Verónica's mermaid and my version, and then my old merman and her version.

I hope you like, we had a great time making them!


Hoy tenemos otro de esos ejercicios creativos para ilustradores. Con seguridad, solemos ser lobos solitarios, habituados a la soledad y todo ese rollo... pero para éste, necesitarás un amigo.

La idea básica es elegir un tema y entonces que cada uno de vosotros dibuje un personaje o algo relacionado con el tema, que tu compañero no puede ver hasta que lo acabes.

Una vez que ambos dibujos estén acabados, os los intercambiáis, y entonces intentas hacer una versión propia del personaje.

Puede ser un desafío si no estás acostumbrado a dibujar cierto tipo de cosas (salir de la zona de confort siempre es bueno).

Y bien, eso es lo que mi colega Verónica Vázquez y un servidor estuvimos haciendo el otro día. Elegimos sirenas como tema, y aquí tenéis los resultados, primero la sirena de Verónica y mi versión, y luego, mi sireno viejales y su version.

Espero que os gusten, nos lo pasamos muy bien haciéndolos.


domingo, 28 de julio de 2013

Drink & Draw Madrid July 2013


Two new drawings made for the Drink and Draw Madrid, hosted as usual by Lebrílope Papelería, and this time was Far West-themed.
Not as much people as in the other editions (summer vacation takes its toll on the attendance), but there was nice people and fun, as always.

Ink, diluted aniline, copics, markers.


Dos nuevos dibujos hechos para el Drink and Draw Madrid, organizado por nuestro anfritión Lebrílope Papelería, y esta vez el tema era el Salvaje Oeste.

No había tanta gente como en otras ediciones (se nota la influencia de las vacaciones de verano), pero la gente era agradable y fue divertido, como siempre.

Tinta, anhilinas diluídas, copics, rotuladores permanentes.

miércoles, 24 de julio de 2013

Exercising your creative muscles: 24 women

Sometimes you need to strecht a little your creative muscles, and improve areas where you are not so good as you would like. This exercise could be of help there (or maybe not, but anyway, it's fun).

Take a big sheet of paper and prepare to do 24 (or as much as you can fit without feeling like the sheet cramped with them) of the thing you fear to draw or want to improve. It's better to get just a part of a figure, or maybe the complete figure if you can simplify it and make it small enough (but can still appreciate the movement, nevertheless).

My weapon of choice were... women faces. They didn't need to be pretty, didn't need to be ugly, didn't need to be anything but women faces. I also decided (unconsciously) that the first of each couple would be a serious/sad/angry one, and the second would look happier/friendlier/nicer.

So I went to the street and while I was waiting for someone to fetch me, I started doodling. And looking at women's noses to get inspired as they walked by. I hadn't but a few seconds to get a hold on how their noses were and to put them in paper!

As I said, lots of fun.

Mechanical pencil.

Algunas veces necesitas estirar tus músculos creativos un poco, y mejorar áreas donde no eres tan bueno como te gustaría. Este ejercicio puede ayudarte con eso (o tal vez no, pero, de cualquier manera, es divertido).

Coge una hoja grande de papel y prepárate para dibujar 24 (o tantas como puedas encajar en la hoja sin sentir que la estás abarrotando hasta los topes) ejemplares de la cosa que temes dibujar o quieres mejorar. Es mejor tomar sólo una parte de la figura, o quizás la figura completa si puedes simplificar y hacerla lo suficientemente pequeña (pero que aún puedas apreciar el movimiento, sin embargo).

El arma de mi elección fueron... caras de mujeres. No necesitaban ser bonitas, no necesitaban ser feasm no necesitaban ser nada más que caras de mujeres. También decidí (inconscientemente) que la primera de cada par sería una cara seria/enfadada/triste, y la segunda parecería más feliz/amistosa/simpática.

Así que me fui a la calle, y mientras esperaba que me recogieran, empecé a garabatear. Y a mirar a las narices de las mujeres que pasaban para inspirarme. ¡Apenas tenía segundos para fijarme bien en cómo eran sus narices y plasmarlas en papel!

Como dije, muy divertido.


martes, 23 de julio de 2013

Pictures on an Exhibition

Mi pequeña aportación
 This weekend I was invited by Cabezapajaro, a cultural association from Cáceres, Spain, to join them for their first aniversay and to take part in their expo "Tenemos un plan" (we have a plan), that will be there until mid-September.

Este fin de semana fui invitado por la asociación cultural Cabezapajaro de Cáceres a participar en su primer aniversario, formando parte de la exposición "Tenemos un plan", que estará ahí hasta mediados de septiembre.